Do Honey Bees Poop In Winter?

Yes, honey bees poop.  Being notoriously hygienic, adult worker bees insist on pooping outside the hive.  This is easy in summer as worker bees are constantly outside foraging for pollen and nectar.  But in winter, when it's too cold for them they to leave the hive, they will hold on to their poop for weeks (and even months) waiting for warm weather so that they can take their "cleansing flight".  Cleansing flights are short flights when they leave the hive in order to poop.  But did you know that pooping in winter is dangerous to worker honey bees?  The white winter snow covers familiar landmarks that honey bees use for orientation.  They easily become lost on winter pee breaks, falling onto the snow where they perish.  This little gal in the photo wasn't responsive when I picked her up from the snow.  Luckily the warmth of my hand provided enough heat to warm her up again.

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